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Agenda: January 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –January 3, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for January 3, 2022
Approval of minutes from December 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Resolution #2022-02-Appointing City Attorney
* Resolution# 2022-01- Official Depository
* *Appoint Mayor pro tem
*Budget FY23 discussion- Set Public Hearing for Max Levy
*Commercial and residential land updates
* First Reading of Ordinance 01-2022 Increase water rates, Waive 2 nd and 3 rd Reading and adopt
* First Reading of Ordinance 02-2022 increase sewer rates, Waive 2 nd and 3 rd Reading and adopt.
* Discussion on the company: Goldfinch Geo for water and sewer
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: February 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –February 7, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the public hearing at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for February 7, 2022
Public Hearing on the Proposed Max Property Tax Levy for FY22/23
Comments received, public present
Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting
Approval of minutes from January 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
*Goldfinch Geo Presentation on GIS system- Alex Behnke and Joey Maiers
* Resolution#2022-04, Resolution approving the maximum property tax dollars requested
* Liquor License- approval 4 -Way Tap
*Budget FY22/23 discussion- Set Public Hearing for Budget
*Voluntary Annexation-Dan Zewen, approval of application for annexation, Pre-Annexation
Agreement, Resolution to approve and set public hearing on proposed annexation
* Building Permit- Dan Zewen addition to business
* Resolution for transfer into park fund for projects #2022-05
* Offer to buy Lots #10,11 in residential subdivision
* RCTP Grant projects –deadline is March 2022
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: March 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –March 7, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the public hearing at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for March 7, 2022
Public Hearing on: the Budget for FY22/23
Comments received, public present
Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting
* Approval of minutes from February 2022
* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Resolution#2022-06, Resolution approving the Budget for FY 22/23
* RCTP Grant Discussion, Approval of Resolutions for projects and grant application
*Residential, commercial updates
* Mow bids discussion- how to proceed this year
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: April 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –April 4, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for April 4, 2022
Approval of minutes from March 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Open Mow Bids For 2022 and award
*Building Permit: 1) Gerald Kluesner –New Metal roof
*Approval Danny’s Store Liquor License
*Resolution approving the allocation of American Rescue Plan funds.
*Arbor Day Proclamation, Park Cleanup
* 4-Way tap event in Park- approval of time and event
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: May 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for May 2, 2022
Approval of minutes from April 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Tricia Wagner present to address council on” Keep Iowa Beautiful” Program, resolution to
approve joining
* Roof Bids- open and approve
* Storm sewer extension-Discussion on job
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: June 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for June 6, 2022
Approval of minutes from May 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Approval of Cigarette permit Danny Store
*DOT Sidewalk project
*Resolution for yearend transfers
* Resolution setting wages for new fiscal year
* Approval of building permit –Matt Ramler raised concrete deck
* ARP Funding –grant award $250,000.00. Budget discussion, GO Bond, TIF
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: July 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –July 18, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for July 18, 2022
Approval of minutes from June 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Approval of Liquor License Holy Trinity, Approval 4Way Tap amended license
*Can redemption site
* Approval of building permit – Darla Sylvester- fence for yard, Matt Hoefler-solar
on ground
* Residential, Commercial updates
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: August 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for August 1, 2022
Approval of minutes from July 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Alex Behnke and Joey Maiers present to go over GPS logging system
* Can redemption site
* Approval of building permit – Adam Hermsen -driveway
* Residential, Commercial updates
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: September 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
Approval of minutes from AUGUST 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Residential, Commercial updates- Projects to discuss- roads, fire hydrant
painting snow bids, tablet for water/ sewer dept.
* POS Grant- updates on process
* Approval of Street Report Resolution # 2022-12
* Transfer- RESOLUTION # 2022-11 ARP to ROAD USE for storm sewer
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: October 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for OCTOBER 10, 2022
Approval of minutes from SEPTEMBER 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Residential,Commercial updates-Projects to discuss- Townhouse build in
* POS Grant- updates on process
* Approval of Annual Financial Report -Resolution # 2022-13
*Approval of Zewen Annexation application Resolution #2022-14
* Burn Pile Discussion
* Open Snow Bids
*First reading of ORDINANCE #03-2022 AMENDING MAYOR WAGES, Waive 2 nd
and 3rd reading and adopt
* Communication –Keep Iowa Beautiful Program-Need Members for committee
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: November 2022
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –November 7, 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the public hearing at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for November 7, 2022
Public Hearing on: the accepting and approving of the voluntary annexation described as Zewen
Comments received, public present
Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting
* Approval of minutes from October 2022
* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Resolution#2022- 15, Resolution approving and accepting voluntary annexation of certain
property located in Luxemburg city limits described as Zewen property.
* Set public hearing for rezoning of Zewen property.
* Building permit-Thayis Althoff- concrete retaining wall
*Residential, commercial updates
* Urban Renewal Report –approval
* Hwy 52/Hwy3 -updates
*Communication-discussion on rental of basement of city hall
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Agenda: December 2022
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for DECEMBER 5, 2022
Approval of minutes from November 2022
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Residential, Commercial updates- Road construction
* ADA sidewalk project
* New CD’s for Lost and TIF funds
* Budget- new fiscal year discussion on projects
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor