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Minutes: January 2021
City of Luxemburg
January 4, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Helen Deutmeyer, Dave Rueber, Rick Steffen, Matt Ramler, and Mike Ungs.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the agenda for January 4, 2021 seconded by Ramler.
Rueber made the motion to approve the minutes from December 2020, Seconded by Steffen.
Rueber made the motion to approve the financial reports, receipts and made a motion to remove $9810.40 on the Kluesner Const. bill until after the Mayor talks to the company second by Ungs.
Liquor License for the Holy Trinity Parish and Sweetheart Dinner was approved on a motion from Steffen, second by Rueber. Ayes-Ramler, Reuber, Steffen, Deutmeyer, Ungs.
RESOLUTION #2021-01 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING EDWARD HENRY AS CITY ATTORNEY AT A RATE OF $165.00 PER HOUR was approved on a motion from Steffen, second by Rueber. Ayes-Ramler, Rueber, Ungs, Deutmeyer, Steffen
RESOLUTION #2021-02 A RESOLUTION SETTING FIDELITY BANK AS THE CITY OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY was approved on a motion from Ungs, Second by Deutmeyer. Ayes- Ungs, Deutmeyer, Ramler, Reuber. Abstain- Steffen as he is married to the Luxemburg branch president of Fidelity Bank.
RESOLUTION #2021-03 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ANGELA OBEBROECKLING AS CITY CLERK was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Deutmeyer. Ayes-Deutmeyer, Ungs, Ramler, Steffen, Rueber.
RESOLUTION #2021-04 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF HOLY TRINITY ADDITION IN THE CITY OF LUXEMBURG. Was approved on a motion from Deutmeyer, second by Ungs. Ayes- Ramler, Ungs, Steffen, Rueber, Deutmeyer.
The Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling appointed Rick Steffen as Mayor Pro Tem.
The Mayor went over the budget numbers for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year, discussion followed on the projects, Rueber made the motion to set a public hearing for the budget amendment for Feb 1, 2021 at 6:15pm, second by Steffen. Ayes-all.
The Mayor informed the council that we are waiting on the final plat to approve for the commercial ground.
The Mayor and council discussed the snow removal and the need for additional help when we have large snow fall. The Mayor contacted Lansing Const. for this past snowfall to lend assistance with removal. The Mayor will call Lansing Const. when they are needed in the future.
City of Luxemburg Payroll 2020:
Helen Deutmeyer-------$300.00
Keith Mensen------------$6,300.00
Albert Meyers-----------$11,713.64
Ramona Meyers---------$283.38
Angie Oberbroeckling--$18,134.50
Roger Oberbroeckling--$2,125.00
Matt Ramler--------------$275.00
Terry Recker-------------$6,465.00
Dave Rueber-------------$300.00
Rick Steffen--------------$270.00
Mike Ungs----------------$275.00
TOTAL WAGES-----------$46,446.52
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Steffen second by Ungs at 6:45 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: February 2021
City of Luxemburg
Minutes-Public Hearing Max Levy
February 1, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the public hearing at 6:00 pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Helen Deutmeyer, Dave Rueber, Rick Steffen, Matt Ramler, and Mike Ung at 6:05pm.
Steffen made the motion to approve the agenda for February 1, 2021 seconded by Ramler.
No comments were received written or verbal on the max levy for property tax, no one present from the public.
Rueber made the motion to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting, second by Ramler.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the minutes from January, 2021, Seconded by Steffen.
Ramler made the motion to approve the financial reports bills, receipts second by Rueber.
Liquor License for the 4- Way Tap was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Ungs. Ayes-Ramler, Reuber, Steffen, Deutmeyer, Ungs.
RESOLUTION #2021-07 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLATTING OF PROGRESSIVE STRUCTURES LOT 1 & LOT 2 IN LUXEMBURG SUBDIVISION NO.7 was approved on a motion from Deutmeyer, second by Ramler. Ayes-Ramler, Rueber, Ungs, Deutmeyer, Steffen
RESOLUTION #2021-06 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE MAXIMUM PROPERTY TAX DOLLARS REQUESTED FOR FY21/22 was approved on a motion from Rueber, Second by Ungs. Ayes- Ungs, Deutmeyer, Ramler, Reuber, Steffen
The council and Mayor went over the new budget numbers for the FY21/22. The discussion included the fund balances and the road work that needs to be completed. Motion from Rueber to set March 1, 2021 for Public Hearing on the budget, second by Steffen. Ayes-all.
Mayor Oberbroeckling went over the franchise fee information from Alliant Energy with the council. The Mayor stated that the local option 1% tax that is on the utility bill from Alliant now would be turned into the franchise fee and the City of Luxemburg would get this amount directly sent to them. This would not increase the Alliant bill for residents at all. The Mayor will look into this option and get more information for the council to review.
The website has been revamped by Allison Oberbroeckling and was reviewed by the council. The site has a lot of great information on the City of Luxemburg for residents to access. Residents may view at luxemburgiowa.com.
The council reviewed the information from the Mayor on the Hwy 136/52 project that will be started this year. Bids will go out in April; the City will have the millings to use from this project and will be placing them in the park and trail area. The Mayor will continue to update the council as we get information from the DOT.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Steffen second by Ramler at 6:50 pm. Submitted by: Angela Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: March 2021
City of Luxemburg
Council Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the Public Hearing meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Rick Steffen, Mike Ungs, and Dave Rueber, Helen Deutmeyer, Matt Ramler.
Ramler made the motion to approve the agenda for March 1, 2021, second by Steffen.
The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Budget for FY2022. There has been no comments written or verbal received on this topic. Ramler made the motion to close the Public Hearing on the budget, second by Rueber.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the minutes from February 2021, Second by Ramler.
Rueber made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Ramler.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve RESOLUTION #2021-08 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FY2022 , second by Steffen, ayes-all.
Rueber made the motion to approve RESOLUTION #2021-09 AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A DUBUQUE COUNTY RCTP GRANT APPLICATION, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.
Steffen made the motion to approve the RESOLUTION #2021-10 A RESOLUTION SETTING PROJECT PRIORITIES FOR RCTP GRANT APPLICATION, second by Ramler, Ayes-all.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve RESOLUTION #2021-11 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF NORTH FORK MAQUOKETA RIVER SUBDIVISION PLAT 2, second by Ramler. Ayes-all.
The Mayor addressed the council on the delay we are having with the City attorney getting back to us and the length of time to complete tasks for the city. Discussion followed on the information the Mayor has received from another law practice. The council will discuss again at the next council meeting.
Building permit for Travis Bries for a garage was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.
Discussion on the Hwy 136 project was next on the agenda, the Mayor stated that the job was getting let this month and the City of Luxemburg will be getting the millings from this to use as we see fit. The council discussed the need to place these millings in the parking lot and road into the City Park, as well as the walking trail.
The Mowing bids will be opened at the April meeting. The bid can be done per area or as one bid for all like it was done last year.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Steffen, second by Ramler at 7:00pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: April 2021
City of Luxemburg
Council Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Rick Steffen, Mike Ungs, and Dave Rueber, Helen Deutmeyer. Absent: t Ramler.
Rueber made the motion to approve the agenda for April 7, 2021, seconded by Deutmeyer. Ayes-all.
Ungs made the motion to approve the minutes from March 2021, Seconded by Steffen.
Rueber made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Ungs.
The mowing bids the city received were from Carl Bries, Ramona Meyers, Rhonda Ungs, and Lansing Bros Const. The bids were opened for the 2021 season and awarded as follows: Lansing Bros for the back of the Lagoon at $325.00 for 2 cuts and $435.00 for one cut. A motion was made from Rueber and a second by Ungs to approve the bid for mowing to Lansing Bros. for the back of the lagoon. The Y was awarded to Rhonda Ungs for $7.00 per cut, Right of Way to Carl Bries for $59.00 per cut, Front of the Lagoon to Ramona Meyers for $34.00 per cut, West lift station to Ramona Meyers for $10.00 per cut, City Hall to Ramona Meyers for $9.00 per cut. The bid for mowing the City Park went to Rhonda Ungs for $55.00 per cut. A motion was made from Rueber and a second by Deutmeyer to award these bids. Ayes-Rueber, Deutmeyer, Steffen, Abstain-Ungs due to wife placing a bid. Absent-Ramler.
The council did not have to approve the liquor license for Ron & Amy’s due to the business being sold.
Building permits were approved for the following on a motion from Deutmeyer, second by Steffen; Luke Bockenstedt- construction of a new home, Progressive Structures- construction of a new commercial building. Ayes-Deutmeyer, Rueber, Ungs, Steffen. Absent-Ramler.
Rueber made the motion to approve the real estate contract and warranty deed for the land that Progressive Structures is buying. Second by Ungs. Deutmeyer made the motion to set the public hearing for May3, 2021 to dispose of the property to Progressive Structures. Second by Steffen. Ayes-all.
Park cleanup was set for April 22, 2021 at 6pm start. Residents are encouraged to attend and volunteer to help with this job. The Mayor signed the Arbor Day Proclamation and set April 22, 2021 as Arbor Day. The Mayor also informed the council that the City has ordered 25 White Maple tree seedlings to plant and offer to the residents.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Steffen, second by Ungs at 6:49pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: May 2021
City of Luxemburg
Council Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the Public Hearing meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Rick Steffen, Mike Ungs, and Dave Rueber, Helen Deutmeyer, Matt Ramler.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the agenda for May 3, 2021, second by Rueber.
The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Franchise with Interstate Power and Electric There has been no comments written or verbal received on this topic. Ramler made the motion to close the Public Hearing on the Franchise agreement and Open Public Hearing on the sale of Lot 2 to Progressive Structures, second by Rueber.
Public Hearing on the sale of Lot 2 in the Luxemburg Subdivision No7 to Progressive Structures was opened by the Mayor, no comments received written or verbal on the sale. Motion from Rueber to close the public hearing and open the regular meeting, second by Ungs.
Rueber made the motion to approve the minutes from April 2021, Second by Deutmeyer.
Ungs made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Ramler.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve RESOLUTION #2021-13 APPROVING THE SALE OF LOT 2 IN THE LUXEMBURG SUBDIVISION NO.7 TO PROGRESSIVE STRUCTURES , second by Ramler, ayes-all.
First reading of ORDINANCE #01-2021 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE #01-2019 AND GRANTING TO INTERSTATE POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY A NON EXCLUSIVE TWENTY-FIVE YEAR FRANCHISE , Motion from Rueber to approve the reading and to waive the second And third reading and adopt the ordinance, second by Deutmeyer. Ayes-all
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the liquor license for Luxemburg Liquor, Tobacco & Gas, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.
Ungs made the motion to approve the Cigarette license for Luxemburg Liquor Tobacco & Gas second by Ramler. Ayes-all.
Building permit for Ann Flynn for a fence in her backyard was approved on a motion from Ramler, second by Ungs. Ayes-all.
Building permit for William Kluesner for a deck was approved on a motion from Deutmeyer, second by Ramler, ayes-all.
Discussion on the Hwy 136 project was next on the agenda, the Mayor stated he had a preconstruction agreement from the DOT on the Hwy 3 plan; the Mayor went over the cost and proposal. Motion from Steffen to sign agreement, second by Ramler.
Mayor Oberbroeckling informed the council that Progressive Structures will begin moving the excessive dirt and placing storm sewer to the south of lot 19, And they will start placing the pipe to his building site in the Commercial area. Matt Ramler placed post on the lot markers so they will now be visible.
Park updates, netting is all up on the batting cages and the volleyball area, and the signs for the disk golf course are up as well. Discussion followed on the benches that are getting donated and where to place these.
The retaining wall at City Hall was discussed, the Mayor has received a few quotes to replace and repair.
Discussion on the end of fiscal year transfers that will be needed. The employee wages were also discussed for the new fiscal year. The clerk will get the resolutions ready to approve for the next meeting.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Steffen, second by Rueber at 7:45pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: June 2021
City of Luxemburg
Council Meeting Minutes
June 7, 2021
Mayor Roger J. Oberbroeckling opened the meeting at 6:00pm in the Luxemburg City Hall. Present were: Dave Rueber, Helen Deutmeyer, and Mike Ungs. Absent-Matt Ramler, Rick Steffen.
Deutmeyer made the motion to approve the agenda for June 7, 2021, seconded by Rueber. Ayes-all.
Rueber made the motion to approve the minutes from May 2021, Seconded by Ungs.
Ungs made the motion to approve the financial report, bills, and receipts as reported, second by Deutmeyer.
Attorney Douglas Herman From the law firm of Dallas Lynch in Cedar Rapids was present to meet and address the council on the services they offer and to answer any questions the council may have. Ungs made the motion to have the firm Dallas Lynch and the attorney Douglas Herman take over as the City of Luxemburg attorney to start July 1, 2021, second by Rueber. Ayes- Rueber, Ungs, Deutmeyer.
Liquor License for Holy Trinity parish events was approved on a motion from Deutmeyer, second by Rueber, ayes- Ungs, Deutmeyer, and Abstain Ungs as he is on the committee.
RESOLUTION #2021-14 SETTING CITY EMPLOYEE SALARIES FOR THE NEW FISCAL YEAR was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Ungs, ayes-all.
Resolution #2021-15 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING YEAR END TRANSFERS was approved on a motion from Ungs, second by Rueber. Ayes-Ungs, Rueber, Deutmeyer.
The first reading of the Ordinance #02-2021 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING CHAPTER 15 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT AND REPLACING IT WITH A NEW CHAPTER 15 ENTITLED “FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT” was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Deutmeyer. Ayes-Ungs, Rueber, Deutmeyer. Motion from Deutmeyer to waive the second and third reading s of Ordinance #02-2021 and adopt, second by Ungs. Ayes- Ungs, Deutmeyer, Rueber.
The Mayor stated he had received a complaint on the grading and drainage the city had done in the new phase of the subdivision. The resident had questions on flooding issues that may happen due to this work. The Mayor and the contractor who did this work looked over the area in question.
Progressive Structures is getting ready to pour concrete, the water and sewer are all in place. The new building will be coming soon.
Building permits for Andy Ludovissy to extend his concrete driveway to property line was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Ungs. Permit for Mary Ernzen to repair her sidewalk was approved on a motion from Rueber, second by Deutmeyer.
The Mayor and council discussed the Hwy 136 project and the American Rescue Plan.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned on a motion from Ungs, second by Deutmeyer at 6:50pm. Submitted by: Angie Oberbroeckling, City Clerk.
Minutes: July 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for July 8, 2021
Approval of minutes from June 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Resolution #2021-16- resolution approving the American Rescue Plan funding process
*Approval of the RCTP grant award and project
*Approval of agreement for new lawyer for the City of luxemburg
* Residential subdivision updates- Sewer discussion and what needs to be completed
*Commercial land updates
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Minutes: August 2021
CITY OF LUXEMBURG –August 2, 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of minutes from July 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Updates information on American Rescue Plan-computer funding
* CD Renewal- discussion on length of term
* Residential subdivision updates
*Commercial land updates
* updates on DOT- milling of 52/136
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Minutes: September 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for September 9, 2021
Approval of minutes from August 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
* Resolution #2021-18 --A resolution approving the Street Report
*Resolution #2021-19 -- A resolution approving the Annual Financial Report
* Residential subdivision updates- covenants, ordinance change discussion
*Commercial land updates
* Sewer- new locator discussion
* Communication –sign for gas station
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Minutes: October 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for October 4, 2021
Approval of minutes from September 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
*Discussion on snow removal
* Residential subdivision updates
*Commercial land updates
* Approval of Zewen Acres Plat 2-Resolution to approve plat
* Communication –Trick or Treat set date and time
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Minutes: November 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for November 1, 2021
Approval of minutes from October 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
*Open snow removal bids and award contract
* Discussion on CD’s that need renewal
* Residential subdivision updates- street lights
*Commercial land updates
* Hwy 52/136 project- side streets discussion
* Water & Sewer Report- discussion on water assistance program available to low income
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor
Minutes: December 2021
Luxemburg City Hall
Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Roll call
Approval of agenda for December 6, 2021
Approval of minutes from November 2021
Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.
*Andrew Larsen- Present the Tree Inventory Plan to Luxemburg
* Residential subdivision updates- street lights and storm sewer
*Commercial land updates
* Set date for Max Levy hearing in January for budget
* Water & Sewer Report- discussion on water and sewer rates
* Discussion on new roof City Hall
* Zewen Voluntary Annexation review
* Communication
Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor