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Agenda: January 2023

Agenda: February 2023


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –February 6, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for February 6, 2023

Public Hearing on the Proposed Max Property Tax Levy for FY23/24

Comments received, public present

Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting

Approval of minutes from January 2023

Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

* Cody Austin from Origin Design for the Commercial Ave project and approval of the contract for services with Origin Design.

* Resolution#2023-05, Resolution approving the maximum property tax dollars requested 

* First Readings of :Ordinance 01-2023 Amending  Ordinance 6-2-9 and increasing sewer rates to $40.00 per month, Ordinance 02-2023Amending Ordinance 6-3A-1 increase water system rates to $42.50per monthly minimum billed.  Consideration to waive the second and third reading and adopt.

 * Liquor License- approval 4 -Way Tap

*Budget FY23/24 discussion- Set Public Hearing for Budget- March 1,2023 at 6 pm.

* RCTP Grant projects –Resolution #2023-06 –Establishing project priorities for RCTP Grant,

                                        Resolution #2023-07-Authorizing the filing of the RCTP Grant application 


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

Agenda: March 2023


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –March 1, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for March 1, 2023

Public Hearing on: the Budget for FY23/24

Comments received, public present

 Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting

* Approval of   minutes from February 2023

* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

* Keep Iowa Beautiful- committee members update council on plans and activities

 * Resolution#2022-08, Resolution approving the Budget for FY 23/24  

* Commercial Ave plans-approve and review, set date for public hearing

* School Building –options and interested party. Brownfields grant application


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –March 20, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for March 20, 2023

 Public hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Commercial Ave.Project

 Comments received, public present


 Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting

* Approval of   minutes from March 2023

* Approval of plans specs, form of contract for Commercial Ave Project.

* 4 Way – discussion on concrete outside patio and fence


Agenda: April 2023


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –April 3, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for April 3, 2023

Approval of minutes from March 20, 2023

Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

* Review bids for Commercial Ave project and award bid and contract

 * Open Mow Bids For 2023 and award

*Luxemburg Betterment Committee- updates

 *Approval Danny’s Store Liquor License

*Arbor Day Proclamation, Park Cleanup

* ADA& Hwy 3/52 Project updates

* Communication

Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor



Agenda: May 2023



  Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for May 1, 2023

Approval of minutes from April 3,2023, 2023

Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

*Resolution setting the date for public hearing on proposal to enter into a General Obligation Street Improvement Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder”

* Luxemburg Betterment Committee- updates

 *Approval Danny’s Store Liquor License

*Building permit- Father Tyler- concrete slab

* ADA& Hwy 3/52 Project updates

* Set wages for city employees for new fiscal year.

* resolution to approve year end transfers for water, sewer loans.

* Discussion on water pumps for city system

* Communication

Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

Agenda: June 2023



 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for June 5, 2023

“Public hearing on proposal to enter into a General Obligation Loan Agreement”

  Comments received, public present

Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting



 * Approval of   minutes from May 2023

* Approval of bills, receipts, financials

* Open loan bid for GO Bond-Fidelity Bank and Trust  and approval of  the bid

“Resolution authorizing and approving a Loan Agreement, providing for the issuance of a General Obligation Corporate Purpose Note, Series 2023 and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same”


*Building permit-Charles Bockenstedt-Fence, Holy Trinity- extend handicap sidewalk

*Tobacco Violation-Luxemburg Liquor, Tobacco, Gas- approve fines, accept paperwork

*Street project-Updates

*ADA  sidewalk project-updates

* Luxemburg betterment committee update

*  Sewer/water updates


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

Agenda: July 2023


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –July 10, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

 * Approval of agenda for July 10, 2023

 * Approval of   minutes from June 2023

* Approval of bills, receipts, financials

* Approval paperwork for GO Bond closing

* Review and approve Payment application #1 to Progressive Structures for Commercial Ave.     Project in amount of $421,186.54


*Building permit-Travis Boeckenstedt- second driveway

*Street project-Updates

*ADA  sidewalk project-updates Ungs Shopping center

* Luxemburg betterment committee update

*  Sewer/water updates- discuss disconnect fee shut offs


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

Agenda: August 2023



 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

 * Approval of agenda for AUGUST 7, 2023

 * Approval of   minutes from July 2023

* Approval of bills, receipts, financials

*  Review and approve Payment application #2 to Progressive Structures for Commercial Ave.     Project in amount of $19,110.12


*Commercial Ave project-Updates

*ADA  sidewalk project-updates

* Luxemburg betterment committee update-Grant for trail

*  Approve Final Plat Steffen Subdivision

* Review Budget –amendment, set public hearing??

*Resolution Adopting and Approving Tax Compliance Procedures Relating to Tax- Exempt Bonds


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor


CITY OF LUXEMBURG –September 11, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for September 11 2023

Public Hearing on: the Budget amendment  for FY23/24

Comments received, public present

 Motion to close public hearing and open regular meeting

* Approval of   minutes from August 7, 2023

* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

* hearing on Tobacco violation #2 for Luxemburg Liquor  Tobacco and Gas- $1500.00 fine

* Resolution#2023-14, Resolution approving the Budget  amendment for FY 23/24

* Travis Augustyn- proposal for right of first refusal  for a 5 acre parcel west of Progressive Structures

* Progressive Structures approval of payment #3 $10,975.52 for Commercial Ave project

* Building permit – Jacob Sylvester-concrete patio

*Set Date and time for Trick or Treat


Roger Oberbroeckling, Mayor

Agenda: October 2023



 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for October 2, 2023

* Approval of   minutes from September, 2023

* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

*Building permit-Kyle Schirmer-  wants to build a Shouse on Lot east of 4-Way bar

* Alice Roling- Speak in lot east of 4 Way and the offer to sell, building of shouse

* hearing on Tobacco violation #2 for Luxemburg Liquor  Tobacco and Gas- $1500.00 fine-approve settlement

* Resolution#2023-15, Resolution approving the Annual Financial Report

* Approval of Urban Renewal report(TIF)

* Commercial Ave- updates

* Approval of 4- Way  Bar & Grill Liquor License

*DNR- mayor to go over report and issues received

* discussion on new printer, scanner, copier-


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

AGENDA: November 2023



 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the  public hearing at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for November 6 , 2023

* Approval of   minutes from October, 2023

* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

*Building permit-Kyle Schirmer-  wants to build a Shouse on Lot east of 4-Way bar

* Alice Roling- Speak on lot east of 4 Way and the offer to sell, building of shouse

*  Resolution#2023-16, Resolution approving the   Annual DOT Street Report

* Commercial Ave- updates, Driveway  access

* TIF certification- approve certifying debt of $250,000.00 GO Bond

* Sewer- smoke testing, camera results

* Goldfinch GEO- additional services provided

*Snow Bid-Extend contract with Progressive Structures- same rate as last year.

*ADA Sidewalk project-updates to plans , info from DOT

* Approval of Dubuque County Hazardous Mitigation Plan-Resolution #2023-17


Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor




 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting  at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for December 4 , 2023

* Approval of   minutes from November, 2023

* Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

*  Resolution#2023-18, Resolution approving  transfers

*Approval of Liquor License for Luxemburg Corner Mart & Gas

* Approval of Cigarette permit for Luxemburg Corner Mart & Gas

*  Commercial Ave- updates, Driveway  access

* ADA Sidewalk project-updates to plans , info from DOT

* Budget Discussion

*Communication- ice skating rink in park?

Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

AGENDA: September 2023

CITY OF LUXEMBURG –January 9, 2023

 Luxemburg City Hall


Mayor Roger Oberbroeckling opens the meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll call

Approval of agenda for January 9, 2023

Approval of minutes from December 2022

Approval of bills, Receipts, financial reports.

* Resolution  #2023-01-Appointing City Attorney

* Resolution# 2023-02- Official Depository

* Resolution #2023-03 Appointing City Clerk

* *Appoint Mayor pro tem

*Budget FY24 discussion- Set Public Hearing for Max Levy; Resolution #2023-04

*Commercial and residential  land updates- Commercial Ave project- start date, funding options

*  GIS agreement-Goldfinch Geo renewal

* Discussion ADA sidewalk project,

* Water & Sewer Rates discussion on increase?

* Communication –park grant

Roger J. Oberbroeckling, Mayor

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